Sydney, Australia
0415 374 276

About Us

The Fizzy Juice Mission

Own Your Own Assets

Our core belief is that every small business should own their own assets.

Your website, your data, your domain name – you should be in control of those assets & not held to ransom paying someone else for access to them.

For most businesses a website is an important investment – it’s how your customers can find you after all!

Our goal is to help you make the most of that investment – from on-page SEO to what role social media or local directories should play in your efforts to catch googles attention. We aim to understand your unique business needs and help you to develop a plan that suits you.

Ongoing services are offered where they can add value (and profits) to your bottom line, but only when you want them.


Graphic IT Business Card DesignWe started as a family run IT firm – Help Me Dave IT. So many clients complained to Dave about websites that were half paid for and never finished, websites that they had to pay monthly fees to keep, and of feeling out of control when developers failed to deliver a working website but still held their domain name so that they couldn’t move on with a new contractor.

Having just been through the process of creating a website & cramming our brains full of new software & modern marketing techniques we could understand why these clients were hesitant to make their own website when they could be out making money – the learning curve was definitely steep! But between Jen’s Marketing & Admin background, and Dave’s IT talent we felt confident enough to start offering to help a few clients over that hurdle – et voila – Fizzy Juice Websites was born!

Recent Websites

IT Website Help Me Dave
A Fresh Creative Website Design
An Easy Website Update – Kuta Villas.

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About Our Name - Why Fizzy Juice?

Of course, coming up with a name for this new Venture was another adventure.

Social Media Icons and Profiles

We went through quite a few name ideas, letting them percolate around for a while but eventually Juice was the spark that ignited. One of my favorite marketing terms is Google Juice – it refers to the things that make Google take notice of your site, things that improve your rankings. The name was unisex, fresh, and of course you can Juice up your website. But like most great ideas I discovered that I wasn’t the first person to like it. Or the second…

If you tell someone your business name and they type it into a Google Search it’s helpful if they can figure out which website company in the list is yours! It’s important to ‘rank for your own name’, because if the people who are looking for you on purpose can’t find you … well that’s not great!

So I started looking for some words that might go with the whole Juice concept. (Word Hippo is a handy site for word associations – if you happen to be playing the Name Game with your own startup business right now.) Writing down all kinds of crazy ideas I eventually wrote down Fizzy Juice – and the world stopped for just a second, and I knew that was the one. Aha.

Fizzy Juice reminds me of summer parties. Champagne might be for celebrating, but add some orange juice and a strawberry and you’ve got cocktails to toast with. Plus I like the way the fizz tickles my nose as it rises to the top.

And that’s how we got our name – hopefully we’ll get a chance to work together and one day it will stir up some good memories for you too.

About Jenni

Website Designer
0415 374 276

I started my career with a science degree – and while the science was exciting, I found the lab just a bit lonely, so I headed back to school for a Marketing Diploma and spent a few years working in Sales and Marketing.

As my career started to grow more organically I found that it was the administrative roles that I enjoyed the most – project management, technical writing, bringing ideas together and being a support hub for different team members was a good fit for me.

In 2005 we started our IT Business, and a year later we also started a family. Being part of building a business from scratch, learning everything it takes to run and market a small business has given me a lot of insight into what’s really important for other small business owners – and the part that I loved the most was working on the websites – using maths and coding to make something beautiful. It gives me a chance to combine the analytical skills, marketing knowledge and business support experience in a way that’s both creative and productive.

Its a slightly different background to most website designers who come from graphic design or pure marketing origins, but I think it helps me understand my customers a little better, and approach things from a business first perspective.

Where Are We?

We’re in Georges Hall, Sydney

If you’re close by we can catch up in person, otherwise we can talk about what you need via phone and email.

There’s no need to let a little distance slow us down!